As 2025 begins, the weight of our fast-paced, digitally dominated, and divided world lingers. The demands of leadership, ministry, and life in a shifting cultural landscape have made soul health an urgent concern. It's a difficult time to navigate faith, let alone lead within it.
For many, the burdens of 2024—burnout, isolation, and uncertainty—still remain heavy on our shoulders. This is the moment to ask: Where will you draw strength and resilience in the year ahead? What could make this year different?
At Soul Care, we believe the path to a thriving year starts with attending to the health of your soul. And attending to the health of your soul begins with reflection.
We want to help you take some inventory on three essential practices for this journey: fostering hope, building meaningful connections, and deepening your relationship with God.
We encourage you to find your journal, set aside a quiet space, and start off this year with some intentionality.
Protect Your Hope Fiercely
Hope is a critical anchor for navigating life’s challenges. How can we live without hope?
Above all your other responsibilities, add hope to your list. Each day, how are you staying encouraged?
The disappointments of the past year may have left your hope depleted. We recently had a Semi-Silent Retreat participant share that their time of retreat and reflection led them to a place of renewed hope. They described feeling like George Bailey on the bridge in It’s a Wonderful Life, crying out, “I want to live again! Please God, let me live again!”
This year, let hope become your strength. Are you in need of new hope?
Start the year off reflecting in a journal:
- What setbacks from 2024 are weighing on your heart?
- Where do you need closure to move forward?
- What promises and truths will you keep close this year?
Foster Genuine Connection
What is your relationship with your phone like, coming into 2025? For many of us, distractions like social media can feel out of control and continue to distance us from real connection.
In an era of endless digital distractions, the ache for authentic community is profound. We were made for connection, yet many of us struggle to find it. Relationships demand intentionality, and cultivating them will require you to step away from your screen and step into spaces of vulnerability and time together.
In this time it is crucial that we have places where we can be fully known!
This year, consider how you can nurture your relational life:
- Who have you drifted from due to busyness?
- Where can you create opportunities for deeper community?
- What boundaries with technology could help you prioritize better?
Soul health flourishes in authentic relationships. Take a walk with a friend, invite someone to your table, or find new ways to show up in the lives of others.
Reignite Your Connection with God
Although our work must continue, it’s possible for our connection with God to grow cold, even if it was our earlier passion that brought us to the work we have now.
This slow disconnect within the soul makes dry ground, which can create the environment susceptible to burnout.
In the good times and the bad times, the key signifiier for soul health is not good circumstances. It’s the deep sense of God with you and for you.
As we begin 2025, consider ways we can intentionally seek a closer relationship with God:
- When are times in my life where I had that deep sense of God with me and for me?
- What spiritual practices do I feel drawn to?
- What is your prayer as you begin 2025?
May this year be marked by hope, connection, and the deep sense of God with you and for you.
Caring for your soul isn’t just a resolution—it’s a lifeline for a flourishing life. And it all begins with honest reflection.
Welcome to what we’re calling The Year of the Soul. Let’s walk it together.
Begin 2025 with Soul Health in Focus
Looking for guidance in your own soul care learning and practices?
For the rest of January, take 25% off the foundational Strengthening Our Souls course!