Friday Check-in: Let’s pause and turn our eyes upon Jesus - 02/21/2025
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Soul care isn’t meant to be a solo journey. Discover how community brings strength, accountability, and deeper transformation.
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Have you ever felt like life is too much? Like the pressures, responsibilities, and chaos of the world are pulling you under? I’ve been there. I’ve...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
This year, protect what matters most—your soul—by cultivating hope, relationships, and faith. Locate your journal and pen, and begin 2025 with some...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
We’re excited to share a conversation that Soul Care Founder Mindy Caliguire recently had with Renovare’s Nathan Foster on the Life with God podcast.
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
As we enter the holiday season, christian leaders and their teams often face a unique kind of pressure that builds up with each passing week. The...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in for October 25th, 2024. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly...
In this podcast, we share the story of Soul Care, from its challenging inception in Boston's church planting environment to its evolution into a...
Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in for October 18th, 2024 ✅ If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly...
I knew how to be a leader, helper, encourager, coach and follower. But I didn't know how to be a friend.
Join Mindy Caliguire and her son Jon Caliguire in a candid podcast-style conversation about the journey and evolution of Soul Care at Whisper Ranch...
As a leader, I’ve had to shift the care of my soul from “if I have more time, I can get to it”—to knowing it's what I need in order to live and...
I was in one of my hardest months as a leader. It was short term. I knew I could push through. But the worst part? I still thought I could do it by...
Rest is often what you do when you're worn-out, spent, or have nothing left to give. But what if you made it a strategic priority?
When I looked at my schedule—and my pace—I knew I needed to call for backup.
I couldn't keep going like I had been, even though I hadn't fully "crashed". I needed to call elements of my life what it was — burnout.
These 6 weeks leading up to the celebration of Holy Week provide us with a unique opportunity in our often busy lives—a time to examine, fast, and...
It was April 1992, and we had just moved to Massachusetts to begin a new ministry. That's when I watched the Boston Marathon.
Recently, I drew my signature “annual church calendar” diagram for a room full of staff members at a large church in Atlanta.
What if you and your team could continue your work—while also tending to the health of your souls?
You've carved out time in your schedule to connect with God. But now—what do you do?
When we use the word “organic” we often mean unintentional. But growth doesn’t just happen, at least not without some work.
Leaders ask me this regularly. At first I thought there was no simple answer. But I’ve found there really is a framework to move toward soul health.
I can remember times when I was first church planting where "I will give you rest" almost felt like a cruel joke.
What if our new norm could look like leaders, churches, and ministries thriving?
Last week I caught up with the new point leader of an organization I’ve been working with, and we began discussing their marketing reach.
Souls constantly change in shape and form. But not all souls are the same, nor are they at the same stage of being formed.
How can we address the inevitable disappointments and discouragements in both life and ministry—in a way that is healthy for our souls?
God invites us to wait. But it's not always our natural tendency. Especially when decisions need to be made, clamoring for forward motion.
If you’ve seen anything about the metaverse or virtual reality, you know there are dark places. But as the church, this doesn’t mean we should run...
How do you care for your soul? In this podcast, Mindy Caliguire reflects on taking care of your soul in difficult seasons in ministry and personal...
Listen to learn about the dangers of the journey as faith-driven entrepreneurs, and how you can practically care for the health of your soul.
Ever wondered, where is God in all this? When painful circumstances occur, and even seem to “pile on”, we can find ourselves asking, Where is God in...
Here's an example of why your story matters and how your past will impact your future.
Here's a conversation between Mindy & Merritt, the host of the Devoted Dreamer's Podcast. In this episode they talk about a dream that's been on...
Our dream is that you would live from the overflow of a healthy soul, impacting your spiritual life, work, relationships, service, art, leadership,...
The Bible teaches that every human soul was created by God, to reflect the character of God. We are formed in God’s image. Each and every person has...
It has long been a dream of ours to connect the many people we meet around the world to each other and provide ongoing support in their personal and...
All organizations develop a distinct culture–a way of behaving–that drives results, for better or for worse. As management and leadership guru Peter...
Invest in personal support as you journey through new, exciting, lonely, or confusing places. Sometimes the most important steps in caring for our...
NewBreed Training is an organization committed to equipping leaders to plant and multiply churches wherever God has sent them. In the second session...
Recently Mindy spoke at Plum Creek Church about spiritual practices and how they impact our understanding of the ongoing work of God in our lives.
Staying alive to God, what does it look like? What does it mean? Check out the interview between Ben Cachiaras with Mountain Christian Church and...
Is your soul long overdue for rest? Listen in on this conversation between Lisa Bennett and Mindy Caliguire on the Plant Strong Podcast. They discuss...
Listen in on a conversation between Greg Nettle and Mindy Caliguire on The Church Planting Podcast. Mindy talks about the immense value of soul care...
Our souls integrate into every aspect of life. As leaders, it is easy to lose track of taking of your own soul when you're caring for everyone else....
Soul Care in a Crisis: Holding Space for Tragedy
Recently, Mindy had the opportunity to serve with West Side Christian Church in Springfield Illinois. Eddie Lowen and Mindy talked about the health...
Each year my brother Joe who lives in New Zealand delights our extended family with a "Merry Christmas (or whatever occasion) from THE FUTURE!
"I want to live my life, not have life live me!" Lori's words have remained with me for many years. And while her wisdom rings true at all times, i
I began 2021 with our annual Semi-Silent retreat reflecting on 2020 (Wowza) and dreaming with God about the year ahead.
Here's a podcast interview with Erika Cole and Mindy Caliguire on why preventing pastoral burnout helps reduce legal liability.
There are certain places, experiences, and even weather patterns that remind me acutely of God's presence. I imagine you have experienced this as...
A wise person observed: "you never really take a nap. A nap takes you." Indeed! In the same way
Earlier this month, I awoke to a beautiful fresh snowfall in Tucson, AZ. Rarely do these desert hills see this kind of weather… only 4 other times in...
In this episode, Oliver Hersey and Mindy reflect on how to take care of your soul, amidst difficult seasons in ministry, and in your own personal...
Here's two conversations with Jeff Reed from TheChurch.Digital and Mindy. Podcast #1: The Freedom of Letting Go Podcast #2: The Church and Mental...
Some people call them Thin Places: physical locations where one routinely senses the nearness of God. Do you have one of those?
In faith contexts, we hear about prayer journals, gratitude journals, Bible study journals… These are all fine and good, but my quest has always been...
Listen here to The Stewardship of YOU podcast to learn more about the key to avoiding burnout as a leader.
As the sun has finally set on 2020, I want to extend a special invitation!Whether you've just joined us in the last few months, or have been...
LISTEN HERE: to an interview between Gary Kendall and Mindy Caliguire on Love KC's BLESS Podcast. Enjoy!
What does soul care look like in a season of stress, fatigue, and uncertainty? Listen here to a conversation with Mindy and Joanna Meyer on the Faith...
In the midst of this current dark hour for our world, we believe it has never been more important to help the world care for the soul.
The spiritual practice of journaling has been around since the beginning of time, yet never seems to lose value.
Friends, we are so excited to share our new services that have been under development over the last six months!
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing,...
Many times in ministry, or within our organizations, we find ourselves gifted with a sabbatical.
When I first entered into Spiritual Direction I was nervous and curious about how it might differ from therapy. As my director opened with a guided...
“I will let people down if I break down; rest is for the weak; there won’t be ‘enough’ if I don’t keep producing; I will somehow lose my creativity...
One of the things we learned from our community is your desire for more frequent encouragement, possibly even through podcasts!
This is unusual for me, but my word for 2019 actually three words! Go with me on this. It’s “Conquer with Joy.” I told you was unusual!