Soul Care at Christmas: How to Live Your Life, Not Let it Live You
"I want to live my life, not have life live me!" Lori's words have remained with me for many years. And while her wisdom rings true at all times, i
Staying alive to God, what does it look like? What does it mean? Check out the interview between Ben Cachiaras with Mountain Christian Church and Mindy Caliguire as they discuss how to live closely connected to Christ.
"I want to live my life, not have life live me!" Lori's words have remained with me for many years. And while her wisdom rings true at all times, i
Each year my brother Joe who lives in New Zealand delights our extended family with a "Merry Christmas (or whatever occasion) from THE FUTURE!
Recently, Mindy had the opportunity to serve with West Side Christian Church in Springfield Illinois. Eddie Lowen and Mindy talked about the health...