
Friday Check-in: Happy February - 02/07/2025

Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in. If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in together on Fridays.

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Welcome to our weekly Friday Check-in for February 7th, 2025 ✅

If you are new to Soul Care, WELCOME!! We are so glad you are here. We have a weekly rhythm of checking in together on Fridays. We use Mindy Caliguire's Page, Person, Plan framework to create a weekly rhythm and prepare ourselves for Sabbath rest.

Happy February! Our hope is that this check-in isn’t an additional thing to add to your “to do list” but an invitation to rest in God’s presence: to take time to reflect, connect, and be intentional in caring for your soul.


Let's begin with,

Page: An Invitation to Reflection

This month, we are meditating on the word “fearless” and intentionally exploring one of the most frequent direct commands given to us throughout the Bible: “Fear not.” We spent time reflecting on this theme and Acts 12:1-19 in last Saturday’s Semi-Silent Retreat.

Feel free to read/listen to the text from Acts today as well as today’s reading:
Isaiah 55:1-6, 12-13

“Hey there! All who are thirsty, come to the water! Are you penniless? Come anyway—buy and eat! Come, buy your drinks, buy wine and milk. Buy without money—everything’s free! Why do you spend your money on junk food, your hard-earned cash on cotton candy? Listen to me, listen well: Eat only the best, fill yourself with only the finest. Pay attention, come close now, listen carefully to my life-giving, life-nourishing words. I’m making a lasting covenant commitment with you, the same that I made with David: sure, solid, enduring love. I set him up as a witness to the nations, made him a prince and leader of the nations, And now I’m doing it to you: You’ll summon nations you’ve never heard of, and nations who’ve never heard of you will come running to you. Because of me, your God, because The Holy of Israel has honored you.” Seek God while he’s here to be found, pray to him while he’s close at hand... “So you’ll go out in joy, you’ll be led into a whole and complete life. The mountains and hills will lead the parade, bursting with song. All the trees of the forest will join the procession, exuberant with applause. No more thistles, but giant sequoias, no more thorn-bushes, but stately pines—Monuments to me, to God, living and lasting evidence of God.”

Spend a few minutes journaling in response to this passage:
  • What stands out to you most? Is there a particular word or phrase?
  • As you read through it a second time… ask God, “to what area of my life does that particular word or phrase connect?”
  • And as you read a third time, be asking God, “Is there an invitation for me?” Is there a response of some kind that God is inviting you into?
Next up is,
Person: An Invitation to Connection


What does the invitation to be fearless - to fear not - mean for your relationships today? When/how is fear motivating you relationally?

Take a minute in silence to reflect on this and bring your reflections to God in prayer.


Finally we have,
Plan: An Invitation to Intention
One way we can practice fearlessness is by listening... It is important to listen and acknowledge your fear(s), to recognize what you’re afraid of and why.

Anytime you bring things to God in prayer, do you pause to listen for a response? Are you afraid of what you might hear? What you might not hear?Here’s an invitation to listen now... pause for at least 1 minute in stillness to listen for the voice of God. What might God be saying back to you today? Spend as much time as you need in this place of stillness, reflection, and prayer.

Thanks for checking in today.
Have a blessed Friday,

Team Soul Care


This month, we’re excited to offer an open Strengthening Our Souls cohort experience—an opportunity to join others in exploring the state of your soul and taking real steps toward flourishing. Spots are filling fast and will be capped at 25 people.

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