
The Power of Doing Hard Things Together

Soul care isn’t meant to be a solo journey. Discover how community brings strength, accountability, and deeper transformation.

Some things are just too hard to do alone. Waking up before dawn to run in the cold. Pushing through the last few reps of a grueling workout. Sitting in silence with your Bible when the pull of sleep—or distraction—is stronger than your willpower.

But when it's done alongside others, everything changes.

That’s the magic of community. Whether it’s a running club, a CrossFit class, or a study group, the presence of others makes it harder to quit and easier to keep going. It’s no different when it comes to the care of our souls.

Soul Care Is Hard—And Worth It

One of the most important parts of leadership is learning to steward the health of our own souls. That means paying attention to our emotional, spiritual, physical, relational, and even financial well-being. And at the core of it all, it means nurturing our connection with God.

But have you ever considered how community could be a vital part of your soul care journey?

For years, I've had my alarm set at 4:50AM a few times a week—not because I personally had the motivation, but because I had promised to open my door. A group of young people would gather in my home, bleary-eyed and quiet, bringing their Bibles and journals.

We weren’t there for a formal study. We simply sat together in the stillness of the morning, seeking God in our own ways. Then, at the end, we would debrief with all sorts of revelations and beautiful moments shared.

Was it hard? Absolutely.
Would I have done it alone? Not a chance.

But together, those early mornings became sacred. Some of the richest times of growth I’ve ever experienced. And it wasn’t just my relationship with God that deepened—I was growing alongside others in a way I never could have on my own. 

We Grow Better Together

We weren’t meant to walk this journey alone. In a world that is increasingly digital, where real connection is becoming rare, we need spaces where we can gather, face to face or if necessary, virtually, to ask the deeper questions:

  • How is your soul—really?
  • Where do you sense God's invitations?
  • What’s challenging you right now?

This kind of soul-deep connection doesn’t just happen. It requires intention. And often, it requires others to help us stay the course.

That’s why we’re launching a six-week cohort for anyone who wants to take the Strengthening Our Souls course together. We’ll meet three times throughout the course and continue the conversation within the Soul Care Collective.

The journey of soul care is not meant to be traveled alone. When we invite others into the process—into our questions, our struggles, and our moments of seeking—we create space for deeper transformation. So find your people, commit to the journey, and watch as your soul begins to flourish in ways you never imagined.


This month, we’re excited to offer an open Strengthening Our Souls cohort experience—an opportunity to join others in exploring the state of your soul and taking real steps toward flourishing. Spots are filling fast and will be capped at 25 people.


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