Soul Care For You

LeadWell  With Soul Care

Everything in your life and leadership emerges from your soul. Jesus invites everyone into a life of deep, overflowing connection saying, "If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing" John 15:5, TNIV.

Aligning this spiritual reality with how we actually live and lead is the essential work. We are here to help you on that journey.


Soul Health

Symptoms of soul health and soul neglect have been discerned over many years of our working with individuals and organizations. The Soul Health Assessment helps you or your team pause to think about how these classic soul symptoms are currently impacting you.

“Our soul is like an inner stream of water,
which gives strength, direction, and harmony
to every other element of our life."

— Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart


LeadWell Journey

Leader Care That Prioritizes Soul Health - We know that, as a leader, you may not have spaces in your life where you can share the constant challenges and hurdles you face. Leadership can sometimes be a lonely place. Soul Care's LeadWell has been created for you, a leader, a pastor, a CEO, an executive... as a place of ongoing encouragement and support on your journey to soul health.

Spiritual Direction

Meet regularly with a professionally trained director to gain perspective and deepen connection with God.

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Leadership Coaching

Move toward specific objectives with accountability, encouragement, and a focus on soul health.

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Sabbatical Support

We provide a customized set of Sabbatical Support options to equip you to find rest, direction, and clarity.

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Soul Care Collective

Join our global digital network of those who want to focus on soul care and help others along the way.

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Your Soul Today