Help Your Organization Create A Plan For What Matters Most
For just one moment, take a deep breath, press pause, and think about your team and the work you are doing. Are they flourishing? Are their lives and work “marked by vigorous and healthy growth”? Or is your team tired? Worn out? Stagnating and unsure what to do next?
We created this Soul Care plan as a way for your team members to identify the current state of their souls, put words to what is missing, and then plot a path into new and exciting territory. In the Soul Care Plan, we encourage them to examine the five dimensions of flourishing in their own life and honestly consider the ways God is inviting them to care for their soul. Will you and your team follow us into a season of flourishing, where their souls can be healthy no matter the circumstances of life?
Have your team create their own Soul Care Plan, and experience all of the vigorous and healthy growth that life has to offer.

Intentionally prioritize your soul...
What your team will receive:
-A guided process with a very practical outcome that they can easily share with others for input and encouragement.
-Put action towards their intentionality for caring for their soul
-Enjoy knowing they are taking ownership of their soul health
-All the benefits of a healthier soul! Inner Peace, greater spiritual alignment, etc.
-24 thought-provoking questions
-Gap analysis on five dimensions of human flourishing
-Printable plan with a final page to keep as a goal-setter and reminder
-Soul Health Assessment
-Video content on Five Dimensions of Flourishing as it relates to Soul Care
"A very well-designed and meaningful journey toward greater depth and understanding of our personal soul care, and it provides intentional steps forward through a framework that is suited for all people. It is thorough, personal, and easily applied.
Our church staff has benefited greatly, as we have incorporated this into ongoing rhythms of life and work. Additional accountability and coaching have helped our team thrive in both the creation and the implementation of their plans. This is an outstanding benefit to the care of both individuals and teams."

Rachael Shelton
Residency Pastor at Plum Creek Church
"In the resource, I love how you gift practical handles and next steps for a plan to each of the areas of flourishing… Your embedded video does a great job of demystifying “flourishing.” So often we can tout the need for soul care but get lost in trying to define what that really means, and more importantly, how to be healthier this month than before. The self-processing questions along with the reflections and creation of a plan all help generate understanding and intentional action.
I know that this is just a brief reflection of this material, but I can see how it, along with some coaching, could be so very valuable to not only ministry leaders, but any believer."

Michael Martin
President & CEO at Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability