Semi-Silent Retreats

Join Us Virtually For Our Monthly Retreat

Our Semi-Silent Retreats have been going strong now for more than two years! It's been beautiful to watch it grow over time. It's something I personally needed, but as I began to invite others into this rhythm, we all experienced something amazing. Now a growing community of friends look forward to this time, as a practice to pause from the pace of their lives. This has been a space for us to meet with God amidst all the ups and downs of our lives. To reflect, be still, and go deep. And it's been great to do it together.

-Mindy Caliguire, founder of Soul Care


What is a Semi-Silent Retreat?

Every month, we take time to reflect on the past month and hear God afresh for the new season ahead.

This 3-hour, online mini-retreat is where we pray, offer questions that prompt reflection, give space for silence and solitude, and then connect with one another.

When? Join us the first Saturday of every month (9am-12pm MST) and RSVP in the Soul Care Collective today.

Collective Phone Photo Suggestion

What is The Collective?

Refreshment. Enjoy our wide range of offerings to replenish your soul. From our free monthly online retreats, to soul-filling resources that the community contributes.

Connection. Meet others like you who desire to be intentional about soul care and cultivating their relationship with Christ in a holistic way.

Collaboration. Together, we’re better! Learn with others about soul care in one of our courses. Or join a group (or groups!) to brainstorm, ask questions, and engage in practices together… join us!

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Your Soul Today