Strengthening Our Souls
Online Course to Help Teams Care for Their Souls
People are your greatest resource. Equip them to flourish in life and work to ensure missional impact.

About The Course
- Foundation Laying - Learning foundational practices and teaching for the care of the soul
- Cohort Experience and Team Support
- Practical Steps - Simple, approachable topics and next steps
- 1 on 1 Guides
Hear from Our Participants
“I notice myself more attentive to God's voice as I engage with my children in my home and my interactions in the office/ministry. I could easily recommend this course to both my Catholic and Protestant friends, with no reservations. The course provides solid and Scriptural reasoning for why we need to "care for our souls" to *truly* serve Jesus.”
Christine Chen
| Medical Ambassadors International
“This experience impacted my spiritual health as a whole. I think I prioritize my soul care more and thus many of my areas of life flourished. How I did ministry, my energy level at home, my intimacy with God, my care for my physical body. I feel like I'm working with God, not just for God. Doing it with a cohort from my workplace really helped a lot. I also feel like I have more vision and a plan for my soul care.”
Desmond Watts
International Students Ministry | Power to Change
“I was surprised by how transformative the experience was. It helped me put into words the tension I have felt for years, in how to balance my output vs input and also see what kind of practices I need to be engaging in to be at a place of flourishing. I personally think all non-profit staff should be required to go through this; to process it together with a cohort was so helpful.”
Peggy Porter
University Ministry | Power to Change
“ A very important perspective-setting journey that will impact the rest of your life! I already love solitude and spending time with God in prayer, so this encouraged me to let go of other things to do just that. I am more relaxed about my daily schedule, trying to let God lead.”
Karen Woodard
Mentor | FamilyLife
I loved my time with this course. It surprised me how far each session could go. I took my time to savor and go slowly through the material, and it stretched far. I am more in tune with the Spirit of God. I developed habits of morning prayer walks and evening examen. Strengthening Our Souls was good for my soul. I savored the experience, and God used it to speak to me to lead me to better paths.
Daniel Miller
Senior Pastor | Meridian Church of God
"I absolutely recommend this experience. I think this content is vital for all church leaders. If you wait until you feel a need for it, it’s probably too late. The rediscovery of these ancient practices is a gift to the Church of today."
Annette Roux
Lead Spiritual Formation Pastor | 12Stone Church
Session 2: Soul & Speed - How do we save our souls from burnout? What lifeline can we hang on to as we move from burnout to balancing speed and soul? Soul & Speed identifies the four zones leaders will experience on their journey, what it means to live at ‘Godspeed’, and why we need to pay attention to signs of burnout.
Session 3: The Power of Relationships - What can we learn from the oldest living trees on the planet, the ones that have withstood earthquakes, firestorms, and drought? How can we thrive in the middle of our pain and uncertainty? The Power of Relationships is an invitation for you to share your own story, and lay the groundwork for understanding how to be wholly integrated with God, self, and others.
Session 4: Returning to Joy - How does trauma impact the soul? We'll explore ways to give authentic voice to what’s hard and difficult. We are invited to learn how to lament from the psalms. How can we begin to see beauty in desolation and take steps toward new dimensions of healing and transformation?
Session 5: Restoring Life - God cares about every dimension of our lives and wants us to flourish and thrive. Christian circles often discuss what we have been “saved from,” but have you considered what you have been “saved for”? This session highlights five dimensions of our human experience to better understand human flourishing and invites us into the significance of moving toward ‘Shalom Shalom’, perfect peace.
Session 6: Rest is a Weapon - Rest, as a strategic priority, can help us regain strength. How can you live and lead from a place of rest? Scripture reveals patterns of Sabbath, stillness, Sabbatical, slowing, solitude, and silence. This final session’s invitation to rest may be the hardest, but it is an invitation to reconnect with the rhythms of God’s kingdom.
What’s Involved
- Weekly 1-2 hour sessions, spread over 2 months to fit into even a busy schedule
- 30+ Videos and Auditory Scripture (Lectio Divina)
- Soul Health Assessment, before and after, to see your soul health growth
- Soul Care Plan
- Reflection and journaling guides
- 8 specific Spiritual Practices explored
- Optional 1 on 1 Spiritual Direction
Meet Your Guide:
Mindy Caliguire, Founder of Soul Care
“Prioritizing soul care, even in the midst of life’s demands, has transformed everything for me. Burnout, exhaustion, and isolation are no longer the final word. It’s possible to restore a life-giving connection to God, yourself, and others, and discover new energy for the roles you carry.
This course provides the foundation you need rationale and tools to cultivate a life anchored in soul health, so you can meet life’s challenges from a place of fullness rather than depletion."
Ready to Elevate the Soul Health of Your Team?
Fill out the form and we'll be in contact within 1-2 business days.
"When we speak of the Human Soul, we’re speaking of the deepest level of life and power in the human being."
— Dallas Willard